What is the ‘Word Gap’ and Why Should You Care About it?

why parents need to understand the word gap

The Word Gap refers to the gap in ‘heard vocabulary’ experienced by children growing up in poorer households during the first five years of life. One thing that increases a child’s heard vocabulary is being read to. Yet, in America it is estimated that 25% of caregivers have never read to their child and in Britain the National Literacy Trust (NLT) found that only half of parents surveyed read to their child daily.

On their website the NLT also state that, ‘in 2023 over 185,000 5-year-olds started school without the literacy, communication and language skills they needed to thrive.’ We know that a lack of literacy skills can lead to poor focus, less confidence, decreased mental wellbeing, difficulty with exams and future employment.

However, a 2019 study showed that parents who read to their child (age 0-5) just once a day ‘provide their children with exposure to an estimated 78,000 words each a year.’ During those first five years of life that adds up to ‘1.4 million more words during storybook reading than children who are never read to’.  That’s a pretty impressive amount of vocabulary being absorbed for just one story a day and a solid foundation for the years ahead, both academically and socially.

Remember that a reading session with your child doesn’t have to be long, just 10 minutes can make a huge difference. That’s one picture book when they are little and one chapter (or even just a few pages) of a longer book as they get older. Those few minutes are not only a fun way to increase the bond between you and your child, they are also an investment into their future. What an amazing gift.

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Nervous about reading aloud? Read this post

Want to know more about the benefits of reading? Check out this post

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Logan JAR, Justice LM, Yumuş M, Chaparro-Moreno LJ. When Children Are Not Read to at Home: The Million Word Gap. J Dev Behav Pediatr. 2019 Jun;40(5):383-386. doi: 10.1097/DBP.0000000000000657. PMID: 30908424.


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