Things I Love - February 2018

February has been such a beautiful, if cold, month here in the UK and with half-term happening it's been a great time to go for long walks in the crisp air, bake pies and apple crumbles (none of which looked quite as good as in this photo but tasted yummy anyway) and enjoy that lingering breath between winter and spring. 

Here are some more things I've been loving...


You Are A Badass

Oh yes I am...apparently! I LOVED this book by Jen Sincero, it's funny, informative, inspirational and really makes you think. It had me doing a lot of hard thinking about decisions I make and whether they are rooted in real belief in myself or whether I still let self-doubt hold me back sometimes. The Answer: yep, I'm still hesitant at times to show up fully, but am working on it and growing more badass every day! Well worth adding to your reading list.



I love music, I love to sing, I love to dance, and I really love making playlists for different things. I've got my 'Happy, Smiley' playlist for the mornings; my 'Relaxing Evenings' playlist, one for in the bath, one for exercising to and one for making...well, I might not share that one! If you haven't joined Spotify yet then what are you waiting for? You can get a free account, or pay a small fee if you don't want to hear adverts.



I finally went to see The Greatest Showman and OH MY GOODNESS it is one of the best films I have ever seen.  In fact, it is everything that a movie should be (in my opinion), and reminded me why I loved working in Film & TV many years ago.  Two weeks later and I am still singing the songs!  



Grace & Frankie - the perfect sitcom for those of us over 40.  It's funny, heartwarming, full of vulnerability and honesty about getting older, and the acting is fabulous.  You can find it over on Netflix where they have all 4 seasons waiting for you to enjoy.




Things I Love - January 2018


5 Animal Charities to Support This Christmas