20 Questions With Cherry Menlove

Cherry Menlove

Cherry Menlove is an Author, Blogger, mum of twins & the Queen of Modern English Country Living. Her recipes are delicious (we’ve been making her Christmas Gingerbread Houses for years) and she has a knack for making any space look both stunning and cosy at the same time. Enjoy getting to know her as part of our 20 Questions With… series.

1 Name & Age

Cherry Menlove, 44

2.     Who inspires you?

Anyone who keeps going! Literally, if I see anyone who has tried and tried for years do so the thing they love and are passionate about it always brings me to tears. 

3.     What are you loving most about your life after 40?

I feel a bit more chilled about stuff nowadays. I realise that all I can do is my best and that trying to force anything is very bad for my health!!!

4.     What has been challenging about getting older?

The feeling that I'm running out of time. I realise this is a warped concept so I do have to keep it in check. 

5.     What shifts would you like to see in the conversation around ageing?

I'd like to see a shift in what we value. There's nothing as precious as life experience, hindsight and the lessons learnt along the way but all the focus seems to be on appearance. I cannot explain to you how wonderful I feel at 44 compared to how I felt at 34. Nowadays I have the privilege of walking around with so much more knowledge and insight into what life is all about. It makes one feel much more powerful, confident, chilled, sexy, you name it!

6.     Who is your biggest supporter?

My children are amazing. They're so good at telling me I can do it. I never lay my stress onto them but they seem to know when I need a little pep talk and are mind readers when it comes to administering cuddles at the right time. 

7.     What are you most grateful for?

My children. All I do I do for them.

8.     What would your younger self think of you now?

I think she'd be pleased. I'm getting there. 

9.     Has there been a significant event that has changed your direction and/or outlook on life?

I've had several that have all caused me to pause or pivot. Death, illness, near death, loss, grief, betrayal. The lot. I've come to the conclusion that life is always on my side in the long run, the universe is friendly towards me and life is a lot simpler than I make it. 

10.   What do you love most about your work?

The fact that I get to rub my hands together and say to my team "right, what mischief shall we create today!?" As a business owner I'm incredibly lucky to be able to do work that has me leaping out of bed each day desperate to get going. It's not always been like that but it is right now.

11.   What’s next for you?

Growth and after that giving back. That's the ultimate aim for me. I'd like everything I do to eventually feed into giving back in a major way. But I need to grow the business first.  

12.   What’s your morning routine?

Coffee. I get up very early and I make coffee. I drink it, I have a little think and then I start my day. 

13.   What makes you frustrated/sad?

My own thoughts.

14.   What makes you happy?

My children, hope for the future, being busy, my work.

15.   What do you wish other women knew about life after 40?

That it gets better if you tap into the power that you're given the older you get. It's liberating. 


And a quick look at 5 of your favourite things:

Favourite Book: The Secret History by Donna Tartt

Favourite Film: Out of Africa

Favourite Place: Southern California, the Scottish Highlands and my bed. 

Favourite Memory: The love of my children when it flashes through my mind. 

Favourite Quote: ‘If you can dream it you can do it’ - Walt Disney. Incredibly cheesy but it has NEVER let me down. I envisage everything that I want to happen in minute detail and it invariably manifests in my life in exactly the way I've already seen it in my mind. Eventually.

You can connect with Cherry over on her website, on Instagram and on Facebook

Her Books:

The Handmade Home: Inspirational Craft, Food & Flowers

Cherry Menlove’s Unique Party Ideas: How to Create the Perfect Halloween, Thanksgiving and Bonfire Night for Your Family & Friends

Cherry Menlove’s Easy Parties: How to Create the Perfect Summer Celebration

The Little Book of Peace: 101 inspiring ways to add peace to your life, work, home and dreams

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