Jo Macdonald

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5 Things To Do On A Snow Day

Here in the UK Winter has firmly slammed the door in the face of Spring and is having a wild and windy last hurrah.  It’s behaving like that drunk guest that just won’t leave the party, fun at first but then becoming increasingly irritating.  Walking my kids to school this week has involved arctic winds and wearing as many layers as possible until I resemble the Michelin man… with a frankly rather unflattering bobble hat thrown in for good measure! 

You may be sensing that I am not loving this latest round of snow. 

And you’d be right. 

Don’t get me wrong, I like snow.  I like it a lot.  Snow Angels – definitely.  Snow ball fights – of course.  But… it’s March now.  The daffodils have been popping up, the crocuses decorating the edges of the park, blue skies and sunshine even made an appearance last week.  I’m ready for Spring damn it!   So what do you do on a snow day when you’ve had enough of the snow?

1 – Have a bed day - okay I know we’ve all got a million things to do, but sometimes you just need to ditch the list and snuggle down and read a good book or listen to a podcast or 6.  And you get bonus points if you're not the only one in bed - there are far more fun ways to stay warm than a hot water bottle!  

2 – Catch up on Netflix – ready to binge watch Grace & Frankie, or Cable Girls?  Been dying to watch the latest movie or catch up on that cool documentary your friend was telling you about?  Then this is the perfect time to do just that, don’t forget to add snacks and a blanket to get cosy under. 

3 – Enjoy a natter – what better way to spend a snowy day than catching up with friends.  If you’re close enough to get together then this is the perfect time to hangout, and if you’re far apart grab that phone and settle in for a long chat.

4 - Get organised - we all get behind in things so today could be the perfect day to finally sort that wardrobe out, or get clear on your work vision and future, or to plan an amazing holiday for later in the year.  Turn up the tunes, dive into whatever is on your to do list and get your life back on track. 

5 – Suck it up and go outside – no matter how frustrating the snow might feel, it’s still snow.  And it’s still fun once you’re out in it.  Rug up warm, then unleash your inner child and go play!   Oh and yes, hot chocolate with tiny marshmallows is a must afterwards.