Jo Macdonald

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20 Questions With Abby Wilkes

Abby Wilkes is one of those people who really sees others, on a soul level… and then manages to capture it with her camera. As a brand photographer who travels the world, she creates the most beautiful images of women who are passionate about making a difference. Oh, and she’s also one of the nicest people you could meet.

Here is my interview with her:

1. Name & Age

Abby Wilkes, 54 years young

2. Who Inspires You?

I’m not inspired by one particular person; I am continuously inspired by the people I meet and the difference they make in the world with their beautiful actions. Planet earth and its people need them more than ever now. People today are filled with so much concern and worry and seem to be looking down, yet abundance and inspiration is all around us.

3. What are you loving most about your life after 40?

What I am loving about life after 40 is that I give myself permission to be me, to have fun like a young person and not to care, too much, about what other people might think of me as I’m living my life, not theirs. I love and am very grateful that I found my true passion in life, photographing the change makers that this world so needs and the women who are ready to show the wild woman in them.

4. What has been challenging about getting older?

Beside the usual physical issues, belly, skin not as elastic; now I say I’ve earned them, I don’t really think about the challenges too much. My children are an age that they can be left alone. My husband is very supportive of my international travels for work without my family. I’m grateful for the time I have and live my life to see what else I can do, not what I can’t do.

5. What shifts would you like to see in the conversation around aging?

That it’s an honour to be old and so many people have amazing experiences and gained wisdom. To me aging is a wonderful experience as most of us become the person we always wanted to be, if we let go of the ‘shoulds, woulds, and ought to’s’.

6. Who is your biggest supporter?

My biggest supporter is me, believing in myself. Dear ones around me can support me, yet if I don’t accept myself, it will fall on deaf ears.

7. What are you most grateful for?

I’m most grateful for life and the amazing people I meet, and the wonderful adventures I have every single year. I have my health and do not take that for granted at any time.

8. What would your younger self think of you now?

She would think ‘what took you so long?’ I’m a project in progress and every step I take I get closer to being the person who believes in herself and also takes the action to be herself in personal and business life.

9. Has there been a significant event that has changed your direction and/or outlook on life?

It wasn’t just one event, several events in my life taught me I’m tougher than I gave myself credit for, and that I have a choice if I don’t like something: I can choose to either speak up or take action to change a path. I have done it from almost losing my business in 2012 to personal events; I’m grateful for all the positive and negative experiences that life has thrown at me. How else can I grow? I will never let the past define my now. I made that choice.

10. What do you love most about your work?

As a professional photographer, I come alive when I am in my zone of excellence which is when I can reveal through my lens how others really want to be seen. My vision and goal is to travel the world and seek out the change-makers who need to be seen and their message to be heard. These change-makers include Ceos, marketing strategists, spiritual healers, Shamans and love warriors.

11. What’s next for you?

Next is stepping into my zone of photographing more and more amazonian, wild women. It’s still fairly new for me and I’m connecting with amazing women who feel they are ready to show themselves, some with feathers and crowns, some with the deep passion they have to make a deep, meaningful difference.

12. What’s your morning routine?

My morning routine at the moment is getting up, drinking warm water with lemon (I’m planning to do a 14-day apple vinegar one with my husband soon), take a foster dog for a walk when we have one - at the moment we’re having a lovely one-year-old Staffordshire terrier, Noushka, and I love taking her for an early morning walk. Only recently have I changed my working hours, I now start at 10 am, instead of 9 am and I feel much more inflow.

13. What makes you frustrated/sad?

That people do not enjoy life and don’t use their time for what they enjoy doing. We do not know how long we have on this earth. Don’t waste it. I’m frustrated about the disrespect I see so much on social media and in general. You don’t have to agree with someone but no need to be disrespectful. Everyone is entitled to their view/opinion. If your view is compelling and respectful, others may be more likely to change their view, or not.

14. What makes you happy?

Life! Life makes me happy.

15. What do you wish other women knew about life after 40?

What I wish that women knew about life after 40 is that the older I get the more I understand that it’s okay to live a life that others don’t understand.

And a quick look at 5 of your favourite things:

Favourite Book: ‘Destination of Should’ by Michael Newton - after my dad passed away this was the book that made me totally feel OK with his transition.

Favourite Film: gosh so many; ‘Something’s Gotta Give’ never bores me and still makes me laugh out loud.

Favourite Place: tough one; my absolute paradise is Bora-Bora in French Polynesia where I spent a week living on water and bread as a backpacker, as it’s all I could afford, and I had the best time!

Favourite Memory: too many to name; travelling, with my family and for work, lights up my soul

Favourite Quote: ‘Know that you are the perfect age. Each year is special and precious, for you shall only live it once. Be comfortable with growing older.’ - Louise Hay

You can connect with Abby over on her website and Instagram