Once you become a mum, you will always be a mum and whatever age our children are, they occupy a large space in our hearts and minds. Whether they are just starting school, are navigating their teenage years, or have left home, each stage comes with its own unique challenges for them and for us. And these challenges come on top of all the other things in life we are dealing with such as relationships, work, aging parents, menopause, and more.

Taking care of our own wellbeing is hugely important. It’s that old ‘put your own oxygen mask on first’ time of life. When we are stressed out, burnt out, and just plain old tired and ‘full’ of everything that comes with being an adult, it is hard to be the best parent.

The best thing we can do for our children (and ourselves) is find some time to take care of our physical and mental wellbeing, to press pause, even if just for a few minutes a day. That pause can be life-changing. It can make the difference between feeling overwhelmed or in control, between reacting or responding, and between forcing or guiding. Take care of yourself now and let the benefits ripple out into your whole life.

Private Yoga Classes

Breathing Through Motherhood

Yoga For Menopause Guide

Taking Flight: A Journal for Empty Nesters