Did you know that from birth to 18 months, a baby's brain is creating connections at the rate of 1 MILLION per second!!!!!

That's why ensuring they have as many loving and positive experiences as possible is so important for healthy development

AND creating a bond that will last a lifetime.

Get my FREE guide and discover ‘5 Simple Ways You Can Help Your Baby Get a Headstart in Life’


as part of the community, you’ll get access to my FREE monthly EZine as well as access to past editions.



- Topic of The Month - Tummy Time (& how to integrate it from Day One!)

- 3 Reasons That Toddler Sleep Regression Can Happen

- Yoga Pose of the Month

- PLUS Kids Yoga, Recommended Resources, Q&A, Mental Health & Wellbeing support, and more

June Issue

- Topic of The Month - Growing Baby Brains with Love

- Why Infant Mental Health is Everybody’s Mental Health

- Yoga Pose of the Month

- PLUS First Aid Resources, Q&A, Mental Health & Wellbeing support, and more