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Hi and welcome to Wild Lotus Mama & Baby!

I’m Jo and I’m mum to 3 children (21, 19 & 15) and I’m a Baby Massage Instructor. I’m currently doing my Baby Yoga & Children’s Yoga Training, and will be doing my (adult) 200hr Yoga TT next year, specialising in pre-natal yoga.

I’m also a published freelance writer with a passion for women’s wellbeing which, in the last 15+ years, has seen me build a strong meditation practice, run women’s circles, complete training in life coaching and menstrual cycle wellbeing - yes, there is such a thing - and work with many women of different ages. Working both 1-1 and in groups with women has made me realise not only how incredible women are, but also how little support there often is for mothers and how much pressure there can be on them.

I believe that if we really want to change the world then we have to get back to basics. And for me that means helping to create strong, loving relationships between mums & their babies.

And, that is why Baby Massage is such a beautiful thing to do with your baby. It increases oxytocin (the love/cuddle hormone) in BOTH mother and baby, making you both feel good AND it helps to develop and strengthen the bond between you. This leads to a baby that feels confident, secure, loved, and it sets a strong and solid foundation for the years ahead. Mums who massage also tend to feel more confident and trust their intuition more, which helps them feel more relaxed and less anxious about parenting. (Learn more about the benefits of Baby Massage & Baby Yoga here).

Using Baby Massage & Yoga with my own children when they were little was something that I loved doing, and I’m sure it played a part in developing the strong relationship that I have with them all.

It is a true pleasure to be able to share these techniques, and more with mums all over the world.

If you want to change the world, go home and love your family
— Mother Teresa

Want to get to know me better?

Then read on…


I Believe…

In the beauty of motherhood & the magic of children. That women are extraordinary. That being a mum is a privilege. That nothing sounds as good as a baby laughing. That the more love we give, the more love we create.

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I Love…

Books. Rom-Coms. Journaling. Long walks outside. Autumn. Yoga. Hot Chocolate on a winter’s afternoon. Slow Sundays. Bare feet on warm sand. Laughing out loud. Cuddles with my dog. Mangoes. Peonies. The sound of cicadas. Good conversations with old friends. Dancing in the kitchen.



I Am…

English & married to a Kiwi who makes me laugh. A proud mum. In my mid-forties. A Taurean. A happy introvert. A lover of stories & romance. Happiest barefoot with a book in my hand and dog by my side. Prone to making innapropriate jokes and laughing at the wrong time.
