Jo Macdonald

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20 Questions With Julie Parker

Julie Parker is a bit of a legend! She’s the funny, wise, warm-hearted, loving but no-nonsense, founder of The Beautiful You Coaching Academy where she passionately trains and supports heart-centered people to become life coaches (including me!). She’s also the Editor in Chief of inspired COACH Magazine, a published author and an in-demand speaker. Julie has inspired thousands of people on stages all over the world and is the recipient of numerous leadership and women’s business awards.

As if this wasn’t enough to keep her busy, she is also the Co-Founder of Priestess Temple School and host of the top-ranking Priestess Podcast. A modern-day priestess with a focus on her Celtic, Balkan, Iberian and Greek lineage, Julie is committed to contributing to a world where qualities of intuition, presence, social justice and service are honoured. Julie lives in Melbourne with her husband, stepdaughter and two much loved adopted cats. Yep, like I said, a bit of a bloody legend! I’m honoured to be able to share this interview with her.

1. Name & Age

Julie Parker, 47

2. Who inspires you?

Any person who truly honours and believes in themselves and backs that up with loving behaviours and actions.

3. What are you loving most about your life after 40?

The wisdom that I feel I am just coming into, knowing and working with that I could never have known before this time. It feels amazing and at the same time humbling to know I still have so much to learn.

4. What has been challenging about getting older?

I know it sounds a bit cliché but I surely do notice that I cannot do (with quite the same abandon anyway!) the same physical things that I once used to be able to. My joints are making noises I’ve never heard of before which is taking some getting used to!

5. What shifts would you like to see in the conversation around aging?

Mostly that it is such a declining and woeful time when it isn’t at all. We all live so much longer now and I feel especially as a woman more powerful at this stage of my life than I ever have. I am excited for the decades ahead.

6. Who is your biggest supporter?

Undoubtedly my husband. His faith and support of me allows me to do so many things in my life that if he didn’t give that freely I know would not be possible. He is a pivotal partner for everything I create in my life from such a deep place of love and care.

7. What are you most grateful for?

The ability to live my life as I choose. This is not something that is afforded to everyone which I am acutely aware of. Anyone who has such a privilege is beyond blessed. And therefore so am I.

8. What would your younger self think of you now?

I think she would be amazed actually, and quite shocked at how far she has travelled from such a small and isolated country upbringing and education. The countries she has travelled to alone would light up her eyes!

9. Has there been a significant event that has changed your direction and/or outlook on life?

There have been many I feel. Deaths. Illnesses. Marriage. All in some way or another have changed how I see myself and my desire to show up in the world. Some have come with great pain but always been worth it to work through.

10. What do you love most about your work?

The people it allows me to come into contact with. They are by far and away the best part of it all.

11. What’s next for you?

A book to be published in 2020 on the world of the ancient and modern Priestess. I am so excited about it!

12. What’s your morning routine?

I don’t have one! I find that boxing myself into routines of any kind doesn’t work well for me and I end up just railing against it in some way because it doesn’t feel intuitive or present for me. Instead, I just ask myself and feel into what I most need for my heart, mind, body and soul every morning and go from there. This means that every morning can look quite different for me and does.

13. What makes you frustrated/sad?

The lack of equity in the world and how so many people under the weight of things like white supremacy, racism, ableism, the patriarchy and more, suffer.

14. What makes you happy?

Seeing people live out their calling in life and feel as though they are making a true difference being exactly who they are.

15. What do you wish other women knew about life after 40?

That it’s wonderful, empowering, and a great time of life.

And a quick look at 5 of your favourite things:

Favourite Book: The Four Agreements

Favourite Film: Out of Africa

Favourite Place: Home

Favourite Memory: Anything with my husband and stepdaughter in it.

Favourite Quote: “When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, ‘I used everything you gave me.’ Erma Bombeck

You can connect with Julie via Instagram, Facebook or her website.